Otile Brown kikaangoni baada kuipiga chini label yake, Dreamland
Sakata la mwanamuziki Otile Brown na label yake ya Dreamland Music linazidi kutokota. Ijumaa hii, March 10, uongozi wa Dreamland Music ukiwakiliswa na manager wake Docta Eddie, umetoa taarifa yake kwa wadau na mashabiki wa muziki kote Africa Mashariki kuwa Otile Brown hana haki miliki ya nyimbo zote alizotoa akiwa chini ya label hiyo hivyo hawezi kuzitumia mahali popote pale hata ikiwa ni kwenye show.
Maelezo yaliyotolewa kupitia ukurasa wa Facebook wa Docta Eddie, yanasema:
The Dreamland Music Empire wishes to make the following announcements: that as part of our motto: identifying, nurturing and developing talent, we identified Otile Brown, we nurtured him and we eventually developed him.. That we as a company entered in to a contract with Otile Brown to protect our business interests and his.. We made all necessary arrangements to make him comfortable so as to be a successful musician until then Otile Brown walked out of a mutual and active contract without a notice. Just like any business entity we our desire is to protect our Interests and image.We wish to let all musicians and stakeholders know that all the songs and videos produced in our studios namely… Shujaa Wako, Imaginary Love, Dejavu, Everything, Basi, Pakate, Alivyonipenda, Niseme Nawe & Aiyolela… Are owned by Dreamland Music Empire. He is henceforth prohibited by the clauses in the contract he signed to use them in performances or business purposes. We thank you all for your continued support. DREAMLAND MUSIC.. Beyond talent… ”
Je ni hatua ipi atakayochukua msanii Otile Brown ambaye kufikia hivi sasa sakata hili limekuja wakati kipaji chake kilikuwa kwenye upeo wa juu? Je atatafuta uongozi mwingine ama ataamua kufanya muziki bila ya uongozi? Japo kipaji anacho, Je ataweza kuhimili na kutoboa kupata musukumo wa juu kimuziki kama alivyo wahi kupata kipindi chote ameakua Dreamland Music Empire.
Unasemaje msomaji wangu kuhusiana na sakata hii! Hebu achia maoni yako hapo kwenye kitengo cha comments.
Makala ya: Changez Ndzai (Kenya)
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